Course Information
FCCS is an internationally renowned two-day comprehensive course by Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) USA addressing fundamental management principles for the first 24 hours of critical care. Hosted virtually via Zoom. Course faculty will present traditional didactic sessions followed by virtual breakout sessions using virtual simulations and case discussions.
Course Overview
The FCCS Curriculum is intended to introduce principles important in the initial care of critically ill/injured patients to physicians, physicians-in-training, nurses, and other healthcare providers who may or may not be skilled in critical care but who must care for such patients during early stabilization and in anticipation of the arrival of an intensivists, specialist or pending transfer of the patient to a tertiary center.
As such, the course is designed:
- To better prepare the non-intensivist for the first 24 hours of management of the critically ill patient until transfer or appropriate critical care consultation can be arranged.
- To assist the non-intensivist in dealing with sudden deterioration of the critically ill patient.
- To prepare Resident and fellows for ICU coverage.
- To prepare nurses and other critical care practitioners to deal with acute deterioration in the critically ill patient.
The licensed FCCS course provide a comprehensive learning experience by combining expert-developed lectures with hands-on skill stations
This course contains:
- 16 Didactic lectures
- 4 Case-based skill stations
- Pre- and post tests
- FCCS Support textbook
- Certificate of successful course completion
It approximately takes about three months to get the certificate from FCCS USA Headquarters.
Course Purpose
- To better prepare the non-intensivist for the first 24 hours of management of the critically ill patient until transfer or appropriate critical care consultation can be arranged.
- To assist the non-intensivist in dealing with sudden deterioration of the critically ill patient.
- To prepare residents of different specialities i.e. surgery, medicine & other speciality who are not involved in treating critically ill patients.
- To prepare nurses and other critical care practitioners to deal with acute deterioration in the critically ill patient.
Topics Covered
- FCCS Overview
- Electrolytes & Metabolic Disturbances
- Recognition & Assessment of Seriously ill Patient
- Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Airway Management
- Critical Care in Pregnancy
- Cardiopulmonary/Cerebral Resuscitation
- Diagnosis & Management of Shock
- Diagnosis & Management of Acute Respiratory Failure
- Life Threatening Infections
- Basic Neurological support
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Special Considerations
- General Pediatric Versus Adult Patient
- Monitoring Blood Flow, Oxygenation, Acid & Base Status
- Ethical Considerations During Acute Care
- Trauma & Burn Management
- Mechanical Ventilation (Basic & Advanced)
- Electrolytes & Metabolic Disturbances
- Skill Stations
- Airway Management
- Trauma
Registration Fee
Indian - INR 10,000 (Plus 18% GST)
Overseas - 150 USD (Plus 18% GST )
Indian -INR 20,000 (Plus 18% GST)
Overseas - 300 USD (Plus 18% GST)
For more details write mail to fccsinindia@hotmail.com
Educational Objectives:
At the conclusion of the program, the participant should be able to:
- Prioritize assessment needs for the critically ill or injured.
- Select appropriate diagnostic tests.
- Identify and respond to significant changes in the unstable patient.
- Recognize and initiate management of acute life-threatening conditions.
- Determine the need for expert consultation and/or patient transfer and prepare the practitioner for optimally accomplishing transfer.
Target Audience:
Fundamental Critical Care Support (FCCS) is designed to prepare health care providers caring for unstable, critically ill or injured patients. Likely participants include:
- Hospitalists caring for potentially unstable, critically ill or injured patients.
- Advance Practice Nurses and Physician Assistants with limited responsibility for critically ill patients.
- Critical Care Fellows beginning their training.
- Emergency Medicine physicians.
- Nurses caring for complex and potentially unstable patients.
- Pre-hospital providers with lengthy patient transfer times
Physicians, Physicians-in-training (Residents & Fellows), Advanced practice providers, Physician Assistant / Physiotherapist / Pharmacist / Nurse Practitioners, BSC Nurses & Paramedics.
NOTE: (Student must be graduate. Those who are yet to complete their graduation can attend the course but are not eligible to FCCS Certification):
- New case studies to help guide the reader through learning objectives and emphasize important concepts.
- Updated pre- and posttests
- Discussion of hematologic and oncologic considerations.
- Postoperative management of surgical patients, including those with pancreatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and abdominal compartment syndrome.
- New content on fluid response, infection management, hemostatic resuscitation, tourniquets in extremity hemorrhage, and emergency airway algorithms.